Buying a Cow. How much beef is it?
In our “new” found world I think most of us have considered buying from locals and also stocking up our freezers. What about beef? How much is enough? How much is too much? I found this article from Clover Meadow’s Beef and they do an amazing job going over the most common questions when purchasing beef straight from a rancher. The idea of ranch beef is growing and no matter how you look at it, it’s a great option.
Happy National Ag Day!
My passion and the reason why I love helping clients move from city to country is to help preserve the ag mindset. My life and that of my small family has changed since we purchased our RANCHETTE. I grew up a farm girl and I wanted that so much for Josh and my kids. We are by no means big time farmers and ranchers, but our hobby farm is defiantly a huge part of our life. It changed our mindset so much. It influences what we value, the work that we fill our free time with, and the way our kids see the world.
How to make FRIENDS with Boysenberries
Here is our family favorite boysenberry cobbler recipe that will be sure to please when served hot and with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yum! I also make lots of boysenberry jam and syrup. This year I shared my stash with friends and clients. There is nothing better than homemade and homegrown and it will keep your friends coming back for more :)
City to Country: What Does it Take?
What does it take to make the big “city to country” move? Learn more here!
As a Ranchette realtor I strive to make this a seamless process. Real estate-wise, it takes a lot of coordination to ensure that both deals (buying your new home & selling your old one) go smoothly, but I’m confident that we can work together to make your country living dreams a reality!
City to Country: What Kind of Ranchette Buyer are You?
Not all Ranchettes are the same! As a buyer, you really have to take a step back and evaluate what you’re planning to do on your new property.
Maybe you can see yourself and your goals in one (or more!) of these “types” of buyers I’ve seen in my real estate experience!